About Us
We love playing outside but were tired of having to go to one place for sporting goods, another for camping gear, and still another for fishing tackle. We launched RECREATIONiD to make it easy for outdoor enthusiasts to get all the equipment they want in one place. No matter what you like to do outdoors – bike, camp, hunt, fish, hike, or play sports – at RECREATIONiD you'll be able to find quality gear, quickly and easily, at competitive prices, and experience world-class service and customer support.
Here's how we make it easy to get your gear:
Customer focused shopping
Our huge selection of outdoor sports & camping gear is intuitively organized, with search options and filters designed to help you find what you want quickly and easily. Helpful illustrations, detailed descriptions, and customer reviews are displayed at each product listing to help you make an informed purchase decision.
Prompt shipping
We get your gear to you fast. Products in stock usually ship same day or within 24-48 hours of placing order.
Easy returns & exchanges
Not happy with your purchase? No problem! We accept returns for a refund or exchange of products within 30 days of delivery.
We know our products
Our knowledgeable sales and support staffs are ready to assist you with getting the right gear and to provide technical information and advice.
Never pay more
You're always assured of the lowest prices when you shop with us. We'll match any competitor's prices at time of purchase or refund the difference after the purchase for up to a year.
Our Mission
We all work hard, and recreation time is precious. Our goal is to make it easy for you to get the recreation gear you want so you can spend more time doing what you enjoy and provide you with high quality gear that will make that time even better.
We've partnered with the top outdoor sports & camping gear suppliers, so we can provide you with an unparalleled selection of quality, name-brand equipment at competitive prices.
Our team of dedicated sales professionals and technical advisors strive daily to exceed every customer's expectations, and we've created a positive, supportive work environment to enable them to succeed in this endeavor and achieve personal satisfaction and professional growth in the process.
From tents to fishing rods, bikes to inflatable rafts, climbing ropes to helmets, and much, much more, we're your one-stop shop for all your recreation equipment needs.

PARTS iD, Inc. Brands include CARiD (automotive parts & accessories), MOTORCYCLEiD (motorcycle parts & accessories), POWERSPORTSiD (powersports parts & accessories), TRUCKiD (semi-truck parts & accessories), BOATiD (boat parts & accessories), CAMPERiD (RV parts & accessories), RECREATIONiD (outdoor sports & camping gear), and TOOLSiD (tools & garage equipment). All our online stores are designed for user friendly shopping experience, and our customers enjoy world-class service, fast shipping, and easy returns.