When packing your bags preparing for your next outdoor activities, you’d better have these tools in your kit. Read our new article on the subject.
Those who enjoy outdoor activities have come to know RECREATIONiD as THE place to shop. Whether it’s biking and hiking, fishing and hunting, canoeing and kayaking, or water sports and winter sports, we have the equipment, supplies, and accessories for all your recreational needs.
Of course, spending time in the out of doors can take you far off the beaten path. You may have hiked miles from civilization to set up camp in a remote locale. You may be on an all-day fishing expedition, far from dry land. Or your hunting group may be spending a long weekend in a bare-bones shack with few of the comforts of home. In each of these scenarios, you may eventually need to have access to appropriate tools. Whether it’s cutting, digging, chopping, or clearing, you don’t want to be caught without that tool that you would rely on had you been home.
RECREATIONiD has you covered, as our Knives, Axes, & Tools Department carries everything you could need to help you maximize your enjoyment of the outdoors. In this article, we select a few of our favorites and also feature some of our best-sellers, all at amazingly affordable prices.

Our selection of knives includes tactical knives, training knives, and Bowie knives. Since we cannot cover every variation within the scope of this article, we will focus on the three types of knives most useful to the recreational hobbyist: fixed blade knives, folding blade knives, and fillet knives.
Fixed Blade
For strength and utility, a fixed-blade knife is best. At the same time, these knives are for those who are less concerned with an exposed blade edge, and for whom space or carrying capacity are not issues. As is typical for our site, the left-side Refine Search menu allows you to narrow down your knife choices based on length, edge type, and weight, among other factors. Here are some of our favorite fixed-blade knives:
As one of the smallest knives we carry, with a blade length under 3” this fixed-blade knife from Schrade still has the strength and sharpness to get the job done. Its blade is constructed from 65Mn high carbon steel, and has an overall length of six and a quarter inches, yet the knife only weighs 4 oz. Priced under $21 as we went to press, that price is even more incredible when you realize that includes a sheath.

Looking for a fixed-blade utility knife with some serrations in its blade? This compact knife from Ka-Bar fits the bill. With a blade made of 1095 Cro-Van material and an overall length of 9.25”, you’ll find yourself reaching for this knife for all your smallest and biggest cutting needs. Additional features include a non-slip handle and a built-in handguard. Weighing just under 6.5 ounces and priced under $60 at time of writing, this could be your best all-purpose knife.

One of the longer yet still-affordable fixed knives we carry is this Cold Steel drop point fixed knife. A blade length of 8.25” makes it the best choice for deeper cuts. By the way, that blade is formed from Japanese AUS 8A Stainless Steel. The handle is a bit over 5” long, so the overall length of this beauty is just under thirteen and a half inches. While not a lightweight, it weighs in at a still-manageable 8.6 ounces. Its $63.15 price at publication time includes the sheath as shown, making it handy and offering it some protection.

Folding Blade
While a major advantage of a fixed-blade knife is strength, a major disadvantage can be overall length. If the ability to put a knife into a pocket or carrying bag is a priority, then a folding knife becomes the answer. Here are some of our best-sellers:
The Cold Steel 3" Clip Point Folding Knife features a 3” long blade made of 4034 stainless steel, and combined with its molded 4” handle, makes for a compact knife. Its overall length with blade extended is 7”, so it also has the leverage you need. Weighing a tidy 3.1 ounces, our favorite feature is the clip on the handle, allowing the knife to be carried on a belt or pocket edge for immediate access. Today’s price of $36.54 is handy too.

If you’re looking for a folding knife with a serrated edge, this 3.4” Amicus knife from Columbia River Knife & Tool seems to have it all. The blade, which is serrated only along a portion of its edge, is 3.4” long; extended the knife is 8 1/8” long, and it folds down to 4.7”. It too has a belt clip, with the entire assembly weighing 3.4 ounces. If you prefer a steel handle compared to a molded one, then this is a great choice. Equally affordable at $33.21 at time of printing, this knife would serve you well for all kinds of outdoor activities.

Fillet Knives
Fishermen know that nothing beats a meal made from today’s catch, and preparing that catch requires having the right tools for the job on hand. Fillet knives by design feature longer and narrower blades, and we have some surprisingly affordable selections in our Fillet Knives Category.
The 6.25" Fillet Knife by Ontario features a hardwood handle riveted to a 420 stainless steel blade. The blade is 6.25” long and only 0.05” thick, giving it the perfect flexibility for fillet work. Overall length is 10.75”, providing a balanced feel to the hand. This excellent fillet knife is also one of our most reasonably priced, costing $16.96 at time of publication.

For those who need a little more length, Uncle Henry, a well-known manufacturer of high-quality knives, offers us this 7.25” fillet knife. Its stainless steel blade is only 0.06” thick, making it just flexible enough for delicate fillet work. It’s also the right length, with a 7.25” blade and an overall length of 12”. Priced at just under $25 when we went to press, that number includes a genuine leather sheath.

Axes and Hatchets
Compared to knives, axes and hatchets carry a lot more weight and power. While there may be some overlap with axes and hatchets, a cursory glance through each of these categories reveals that hatchets have shorter handles, constructed either as combined heads and handles or separate heads and handles. Their shorter overall length makes them ideal for one-handed use. Axes by comparison have longer handles, typically wood. They are designed to be used two-handed, and when done so, they can be swung farther, exerting more power. In general, a hatchet is best for smaller chopping and cutting jobs where some control is important. An axe is best for bigger jobs such as felling trees where exact placement of the blade is less critical. Either one (or one of each) would be extremely useful when roughing it in the woods, especially when camping ‘off the grid’. Here is a selection of our favorites:
Their compactness makes hatchets a great all-around recreational tool. Most hatchets are small and light enough to store in a backpack, an overnight bag, or on an ATV or UTV. Use them to chop firewood, remove saplings, clear a path, and more. Hint: it’s even a handy tool to have in the workshop or garage at home.
As its name implies, this Camp Hatchet by Coghlans is the ideal campsite tool. It’s composed of a forged steel head and a steel shaft, with a non-slip grip over the shaft. With an overall length of 13” and weighing 1.7 lb., it has the right balance of length and weight. Priced at $17.27 as we write this, consider picking up two, one for home and one for travel.

This Rothco Deluxe 12” hatchet has a drop forged steel head which is attached to a strong yet light fiberglass handle, complete with rubber grip. Today’s advertised price of $28.99 is even more attractive when you discover that a sheath is included.

Axes by design are larger than hatchets and therefore not as easy to pack and carry. The need for an axe during recreational activities will necessitate finding a way to pack and carry one. Certainly, if your outdoor adventure includes the likelihood of felling trees or chopping significant quantities of felled wood, and your source of power is all muscular, then an axe is the tool you want to have with you.
The Performance Tool Felling Axe is one of the more cost-effective axes we offer. Featuring a black matte finished head and a fiberglass handle, it weighs 3.5 lb., giving it a nice heft. Priced under $29 as we went to press, it’s difficult to not be impressed thinking about how much felling could be accomplished for this low price.

The Cold Steel Hudson Bay Camp Axe is a step up from most other axes, with its 1055 carbon steel blade and American hickory handle. Its overall length of 27” provides plenty of oomph to your swing, yet it weighs only a smidgen over 2.75 lb. As Cold Steel reminds us, if you’re stuck in the wilderness with a broken handle, you can always improvise one from almost any available piece of wood. What’s the price for all this axe greatness? Today it’s $63.74, and we suggest you hurry because while stock is good, we don’t know what’s going to happen once word gets out.

Folding Shovels
Whether you’re hiking, camping, or just plain exploring, there often comes a time when you need to dig. You may be building a pit, leveling a path, or creating a trench, and a shovel is a tool that can break through hard ground, move lots of material, and stand up to the abuse. Most shovels have long handles, making them less than ideal for packing. Similar to a knife with a folding blade, a folding shovel offers the advantages of the shovel blade in a more compact package. Here are two that fits most needs and budgets:
Rugged Ridge offers this Tri-fold Folding shovel which when expanded measures 23”, with a U-shaped handle providing lots of leverage. Your shoveling duties are further assisted by a powder-coated blade with serrated edges on both sides. When folded, the shovel collapses to an incredibly compact 9”, and neatly fits into its included storage case. Today’s price of $21.99 makes this an unbeatable deal for anyone who’s roughing it outside and needs a portable tool like this.

The Rothco G.I. Type Folding Shovel is a slightly more basic design; it is a little longer than the shovel above at 24.87”, so more leverage is available. But it does not fold down as small; its folded length is just over 17”, which still gives it some portability. The straight wooden handle makes quick work of shoveling duties. This value priced shovel, $16.99 when we went to press, is appropriate for any light-to-medium outdoor shoveling needs.

Be sure to look around at other tools we carry in this Department, including machetes and swords, as well as sheaths and blade sharpeners. With RECREATIONiD, you have the choice of shopping from home at your convenience, or if you’re unsure about the gear that’s right for you, reaching out to a helpful and knowledgeable sales associate by phone, email, or chat. Enjoy your recreation time outdoors!