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Richard Reina
Richard ReinaProduct Training Director
With over 30 years of experience working on cars Product Training Director Richard Reina is known around the office as one of our technical experts & true a "car guy". His interest began, in his own words, "at the age of two when his dad taught him the difference between a Chevy and a Ford. Since then it's been cars all the time." As an avid enthusiast of just about all things with a motor Richard can answer just about any question related to vehicle maintenance, repair, or restoration & is a trivia expert in motor history. Stay up on all of Richard's guides & articles here or on LinkedIn. Your outdoor experience depends on the right equipment, among other things. Whether it’s keeping your RV operating efficiently or choosing gadgets and electronics for recreation, these guides give you the tips and tricks for a memorable recreation experience.
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Timothy Zahl
Timothy ZahlTechnical writer and product consultant
Timothy Zahl is a technical writer and product consultant with over a decade of experience in the motor industry. Timothy is a fan of performance machines that run fast and loud and an expert in all things custom. His numerous articles and write-ups are available at our knowledge base. Follow Timothy Zahl on Facebook and Twitter to be up to date with his latest guides and articles. Whatever adventure you’ve planned, you want to be sure you can rely on your gear and equipment. Among these articles, you’ll also find write-ups on how to gear up for outdoors the right way.
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Michael Grayen
Michael GrayenSAE certified mechanic and technical writer
Michael Grayen is an SAE certified mechanic and Technical Writer. A resident expert and professional, Mike is passionate about all things technical and loves to share his knowledge. When not at work you can probably find him working on yet another ambitious project. His articles and write-ups cover everything from routine maintenance to performance and styling modifications. Follow him on Facebook and Twitter. In the realm of outdoor recreation, there is much that depends on the correct mechanical operation of equipment used. Where technology is involved, you can trust Michael’s knowledge and experience.
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